Personal Training for Children

It was bound to happen, and it has. We as a generation of couch potatoes have now sprouted a generation of mini couch spuds. More children are obese, and becoming obese at younger ages than ever before in our history, and we as adults and as a society are responsible...

How to Design a Home Gym

Home gyms have become an inevitable part of the ideal for perfect healthy living. The design of the home gym is the most important part which gathers the idea of the things to be included in the home gym. In the earlier days, home gyms were not so common and even...

The Benefits of Group Training

Many experiences are nicer when they are shared with someone else. Meals, movies, laughs, exercise, shopping, sightseeing, and travel are just some of the experiences that are enhanced when shared between two or more people. Even unpleasant work chores or dreaded...