Mobility, Flexibility and Stretching

Whenever you make a movement, there are two groups of muscles. One set of muscles, referred to as protagonistic muscles, are the muscles that actually facilitate the movement. The other set of muscles, referred to as antagonistic muscles, are the muscles that resist...

Range of Motion

Range of Motion is a term normally used in weightlifting and biomedical contexts. It represents the measurement of the maximum distance that can be covered between the flexed and extended positions of any muscle group or a particular joint. (A joint is the place where...

The Benefits of Being Flexible

Flexibility is defined at a joint’s ability to move through a full range of motion.  Any athlete can tell you that it is important to have a full range of movement, and most of them can tell you how serious it is to stretch every day and before and after every...
Spinning Your Way to Fitness

Spinning Your Way to Fitness

Do you find getting on the stationary bike for a workout to be somewhat of a drag sometimes? I mean you sit and pedal, not all that exciting is it? Oh sure, you can change the difficulty so you have to pedal harder, and you may be able to glimpse a nearby video...
The Importance of Cardiovascular Fitness

The Importance of Cardiovascular Fitness

The number one killer lurking in the modern world is none other than cardiovascular disease. The main causes for cardiovascular diseases are a sedentary lifestyle, and the consumption of unhealthy, fast food. Cardiovascular diseases are called silent killers as there...
31 Tips for Running a Marathon

31 Tips for Running a Marathon

Though popular, the marathon is perhaps the toughest among all of the races. Sincere effort from the part of the runner is highly important to ensure success in marathon running. Below you will find 31 tips to make marathon running eventful and successful.   The prime...

High Intensity Cardio for Maximum Fat Loss

The higher the intensity of a work out appears to correspond with the amount of calories burned during a given workout. This is important because a high intensity cardio workout may take half as long as a low intensity workout to accomplish the same (calories burned)...

Website Weight Loss Groups

The internet is an amazing place that millions of people from around the world visit every day. One amazing phenomena that has resulted from web technology is an ever growing network of socializing sites. Facebook, MySpace and YouTube are just a few of the more...