Did you have your Yogurt Today?

Yogurt is a recipe for health as it is full of live bacterial cultures ( lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria) that you should find on the ingredients of any yogurt you consume. This bacteria is extremely beneficial for your digestive and immune system. Yogurt is more than...

Stay Consistent with your Exercise

Consistency is the key to success, especially when trying to lose weight. When you are consistent with moderate forms of exercise you will reap more benefits than if you stop and go with intense forms of exercise at one time. We all know how easy it is to make excuses...

Farmers Market Lovers!

For all those who hate searching the produce bins at the grocery store for the best piece of fruit or vegetable, probably would prefer to buy it directly from the farms. This can be difficult for those who cant make it to the closest farmers market when they are open....

Stay Motivated this Week!

“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” — Earl...

Cool Down with a Fruit Smoothie!

With summer quickly approaching it is nice to cool down with a healthy cool snack. Smoothies are great because you can use any fresh fruit you enjoy and put it all into a blender and its ready in seconds! Try one of my favorite recipes! Apricot Pineapple Smoothie...

Plie Squats

It’s time to liven up your traditional squats and work your inner thighs. By changing your foot stance you can incorporate new muscles into your leg workout. Here is how: 1. Begin in a wide stance with toes out at a comfortable angle. Your knees will need to...

Fitness Bootcamp in Arizona!

Get in great shape, reduce stress, lose weight, increase energy, build confidence, and make new friends in Fitness Boot Camp! Boot camp meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7am and 6 pm. Fitness Boot Camp is a comprehensive Program that incoporates: s       ...

How Much Juice is too Much?

I know when children are transitioning from bottles of milk it is easy to give them a sippy cup of juice. The problem with juice and sippy cups is that kids are constantly drinking out of them and putting their mouths on it so their teeth are always coated in sugar....