Is your child exercising enough?

1) How often does your child participate in physical activity for a total of at least thirty to sixty minutes? 2) How much time does your child spend watching TV, playing video games and surfing the Internet each day? It is important to make sure your children are not...

Personal Power Training Grand Party

Personal Power Training had a Grand Party for all their clients. Was a blast we had tons of fun. Thank you all for coming. The scottsdale Mayor even stopped by. Check the photos out and be sure to make our next party. Personal Power...

Give Brussel Sprouts a Good Name!

Brussel sprouts have often been given a bad name, and if you choose to not eat them because of this then you are missing out! Not only are they low in fat and calories but they are high in protein! Brussel sprouts are loaded with Vitamin A, folacin, pottasium, and...

Power Exercises Burn More Fat

By exerting maximum muscle force power exercises are great for burning fat. A good exercise you can even do at home are squat jumps. Here is how to do a squat jump: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms at sides. Start by doing a regular squat and then jump up as...

Are you Getting Enough Calcium?

Calcium and Vitamin D work very closely together to allow strong healthy bones. In order for your bones to absorb calcium you need the “key” or Vitamin D to unlock the door to allow this process to happen. With no calcium there is nothing for your bones to...

White vs Wheat Bread

Children are such picky eaters as it is that bread is yet another food to consider when giving it to your child. The choices of bread are endless but The American Academy of Pediatrics says that “whole wheat bread offers a nutritional advantage over white...

Emotional Eating in Children

Do you reward your kids for a job well done with a big candy bar?  Well you may not know it now but this can lead to emotional eating in your child’s future. When your child falls and gets hurt do you give them ice cream to stop the crying? Well this also may...

Get fit this Summer!

With summer quickly approaching it is hard to continue your workout regime outdoors, but don’t let this stop you! Indoor rock climbing can be a great workout alone or with the family. This workout is fun and safe for all ages in a supervised environment. Rock...

Teach your kids Sun Safety!

The weather is getting beautiful out, and as we start directing all of our activities outdoors it is so important to keep you and your children safe from the sun! The sun is an excellent source of vitamin D, but living in Arizona it doesn’t take much to damage...