Find Time to Eat Well or Find Time to be Sick

Too many people who need to go on a proper diet make the excuse that they don’t have time to prepare good quality food. They insist that preparing healthy meals takes an awful lot of time, without actually trying to go through the process and finding out how...

Eat Fat to Lose Fat

Eating more fat goes against everything that the nutritionists and the government says. Carbohydrates are touted as the prime source of calories, and as such is found in greatly exaggerated amounts in typical diets around the world, especially in the US. Fats, on the...

How to Get a Big and Strong Back

The back muscles usually take last priority for most lifters because they can’t see changes in it right away. They prefer seeing improvements they can look at in the mirror. After all, having a well-developed chest is the universal sign that a person lifts...

Green Tomato Relish

  Servings Approximately: Original Recipe Yield 12 pints Prep Time: 1 Hr 15 Min Cook Time: 45 Min Ready In: 2 Hrs   Ingredients: 24 large green tomatoes 3 red bell peppers, halved and seeded 3 green bell peppers, halved and seeded 12 large onions 3 tablespoons celery...

Lift Heavy Does NOT Mean Use Bad Form

There is a misconception that lifting heavy is worlds apart from lifting with proper form. Heavy has the connotation of using bad form to complete the lift, while proper form connotes using light weights with a slow tempo to fully control the movement. While true to...

Sweet Potato Casserole

Servings Approximately: Original Recipe Yield 6 cups Preparation Time: 30 Min Cook Time: 30Min Ready In: 1 Hr   Ingredients 4 cups sweet potato, cubed 1/2 cup raw Honey 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 4 tablespoons coconuts butter 1/2 cup coconut or Almond Milk...

Why You Should Avoid Junk food

What is Junk food? Junk food is actually is a slang term with regard to food that is on little nutrition and also often heavy in fat, sugar, preservatives, and calories from fat. Junk foods typically poor in any nutritional value to the human body. Junk food is...

Why Fast Foods Are Bad For You?

It seems like an obvious question, after all, everyone knows fast food is bad for you. But not everyone knows exactly why fast food is bad for you. Everyone just assumes that fast food equals weight gain, gaining weight is bad for you, so that’s it right? As you can...

The History of Kettlebells

During the 1700s, kettlebells were actually utilized as counterweights for farm equipment used by the Russians. Farmers utilized them until they turned out to be a fitness tool. The popularity of the kettlebell spread like wildfire all throughout Russia. Kettlebells...