by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Exercise and Training Programs
Buy Clubbells Buy Clubbells Clubbells are becoming popular as one of the more effective exercising tools. Clubbells are primarily used for building the upper body. They have been used in the East for many years for the development of...
by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Exercise and Training Programs
There are days when your children really test your limits, yet you love them dearly and would lay down your life for them. You work hard because you want to provide your children with the very best of everything. As they get older, you look forward to sharing in many...
by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Exercise and Training Programs
The joy of learning that you are pregnant is quickly followed by thoughts of what you need to do to make sure your baby is born healthy. This includes regular prenatal checkups with your doctor, not smoking or drinking alcohol while pregnant, taking prenatal vitamins...
by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Exercise and Training Programs
It was bound to happen, and it has. We as a generation of couch potatoes have now sprouted a generation of mini couch spuds. More children are obese, and becoming obese at younger ages than ever before in our history, and we as adults and as a society are responsible...
by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Exercise and Training Programs
Paul Chek Here at the C.H.E.K Institute, an exercise can only be considered functional if it fulfills the following criteria: Comparable reflex profile (Righting and Equilibrium reflexes) When moving across any object, stable (earth) or unstable (surf board), the body...
by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Exercise and Training Programs
By Paul Chek, HHP, NMT Founder, C.H.E.K. Institute Buy a Swiss BAll Although relatively new to the fitness industry, Swiss Balls have been used in rehabilitation for nearly 40 years. These large, inflatable balls are now being used...