Effective Meal Plan for Weight Loss
When it comes to meal plans there are so many to chose from that it’s hard to tell which one will work best for you. If you want to burn more fat and lose weight more efficiently then this meal plan is the right one for you. Let’s address a couple reasons why a lot of...
The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
Underneath its hard surface, the oil of the coconut is swimming with vitamins, minerals, fat, and antioxidants that promote and protect our health. The oil of the coconut has been feeding and healing people for several thousand years and this tradition continues...
The Safety of Our Food
With recalls of various foods from grocery shelves and from freezers and cupboards, many of us are rightly concerned about the safety of the food we consume. Even vegetables, which we are told to eat five servings of a day for our health, have made it onto recent...
The Benefits of Krill Oil
You may have read about or heard how fish oil can help improve your health. Fish oil contains antioxidants and substances like, Omega 3, a mineral known to have health benefits for the brain, heart, immune system, and the body. The waters of the earth are home to many...
The Importance of Filtered Water for Cooking
Most people by now have heard that filtering your water for drinking is healthier than drinking water straight from the tap, this is because the water that comes from your kitchen sink contains impurities. Things like microscopic organisms, and metals from ground...
The Damaging Effect of Steroids on Women
Steroids are basically performance aids that people take to improve their athletic performance, certain athletes, sports personnel and bodybuilders take steroids, even though it is a banned substance, and while the side effects for both men and women can be...
What Are Carbohydrates
The dictionary (www.freedictionary.com/carbohydrate) defines carbohydrates as, "any of a group of organic compounds that include sugars, starches, cellulose, and gums and serves as a major energy source in the diet of animals. These compounds are produced by...
Choosing Healthier Animal By-Products
Research now shows that the animal by-products made from grass fed animals are healthier for us than the animal by-products that come from grain fed animals. Grass fed animal products have greater omega-3 fat compositions than the omega-3 fat compositions found in...